Friday 6 May 2016

How to not do copyright infringement while using images in your post.

Many new bloggers commit the mistake of copying and pasting images in their posts from Google images without knowing that this can cause trouble later on. They think that my fellow blogger did it so it’s okay to do so but if most of us are doing it that does not make it right. You as a blogger need to be sure that what you are doing is not breaking any law.
In fact Google webmaster guidelines say the same
image for copyrighted content violation
Above image is a copyright-free image

If u follow below guidelines you will sure shot avoid the trouble of ever getting into copyrights and all. But before that let me tell you what this all copyright stuff really is.
There are basically six things in copyright jargon that you need to know but you can skip all this if you want to-
1)      Attribution:  attribution is where you acknowledge the author of the work. Most often it requires you to include the name of the person with the © symbol in front of it. Also you need to put a link back to the source of the image which could be the blog of the person you copied the image from.

2)      Copyright:  copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator to print, publish, perform, film or record literary, artistic or musical material and to authorize others to do so.

3)      Creative commons: creative commons is a non-profit organization that lets you share and use creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Their free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use creative work according to conditions of your choice.

4)      Intellectual property: Intellectual Property is a work that is the result of creativity, such as a photo or a design, to which one has rights for. Once it is created it is protected under the copyright law.

5)      Licensing: Licensing is to grant a license to permit the use of something or to allow an activity to take place. To our post it means permitting the use of an image in a blog post.

6)      Public domain: Public Domain is the state of being available to the public as a whole, and therefore the content or image is not subject to copyright.

This post boils down to one simple one thing:
Where can I get the images to use in my post without accidently committing copyright infringement?
Well you just missed the point; the answer is just above this question. Yeah it is just above. Yes you got it now-Public domains. You won’t believe there are tons of images available that you can use and are allowed to use by Google too.
So here is a list of websites that I suggest you to bookmark so that you can quickly copy paste images into your posts.

Wikimedia  has an exhaustive list of sources where you can find public domain images.

Do you know about any other free domain that you want to tell us about? Let us know in the comments below.

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